
Keith MacKay - Terminally Curious

This site serves as my cv and a place to share the things I’m thinking about — both personal and professional.

A Multi-purpose Layers Theme

Play is a multi-purpose Layers child theme designed to make site building easier for application and software creators.

Welcome to Play

Play is a multi-purpose Layers child theme designed to make site building easier for application and software creators.

Broad Post Categories

I have broad and diverse interests…


A couple of posts that give you a sense of who I am and what’s here.

Hard Skills

Posts about technology — many categories. Many of my prior tech projects are described here.

Soft Skills

Posts about soft skills and topics — management, leadership, psychology

Positive and Negative

Posts about things that I believe are making the world a better or a worse place — physically, emotionally, financially, aesthetically, socially.

Creativity and the Arts

I’m fascinated with creativity. Thoughts on that, and on the arts, along with some things I or others have created over the years.


My view of where we’re going…or posts where I fancy myself a futurist. =D